Acne Scars







Acne scarring arises as a potential complication of acne, particularly when severe lesions, such as nodules and cysts, rupture and injure adjacent skin tissues. Avoidance of picking or squeezing lesions is crucial to minimize scarring risk. Three primary types of acne scars exist: ice pick scars, characterized by small, deep punctures in the skin; rolling scars, resulting from scar tissue bands beneath the skin surface, yielding an uneven appearance; and boxcar scars, presenting as round or oval depressions in the skin. Treatment of acne scarring falls within the realm of cosmetic surgery, typically not covered by the National Health Service (NHS), except in cases of significant psychological distress.

Private clinics offer various treatments, with costs ranging widely. Realistic expectations regarding treatment outcomes are essential, as complete scar eradication is often unattainable. Treatment modalities include dermabrasion, laser therapy (ablative and non-ablative), punch techniques (excision, elevation, and grafting), and subcision. Additionally, acne can precipitate feelings of anxiety and depression, warranting prompt intervention and support from healthcare professionals. Treatment options for depression encompass talking therapies and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Support resources for acne management are available through organizations like the British Association of Dermatologists and online communities. Camouflage makeup can be utilized to conceal scars, with specialized products accessible over-the-counter or through GP consultation

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