Main Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis typically manifests as dry patches of skin covered in scales. On brown, black, and white skin, these patches may appear pink or red, with white or silvery scales. In the case of brown and black skin, the patches might also exhibit a purple or dark brown hue, accompanied by grey scales.

Itching or soreness is reported by some individuals experiencing psoriasis symptoms. Various types of psoriasis exist, often with individuals having only one type at a time, though simultaneous occurrence of two types is possible. The condition may undergo changes, shifting from one type to another or increasing in severity.

Psoriasis often follows cycles, causing issues for a few weeks or months before subsiding. If you suspect you have psoriasis, seeking guidance from a GP is recommended.

Common Types of Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris)

– Most prevalent form.
– Presents as dry skin lesions (plaques) covered in scales.
– Typically found on elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back.
– Itchy or sore plaques; severe cases may lead to cracking and bleeding around joints.

Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris)

Scalp Psoriasis

– A subtype of plaque psoriasis.
– Can affect parts or the entire scalp, resulting in patches of skin covered in thick scales.
– Some experience intense itching, while others have no discomfort.
– Severe cases may cause temporary hair loss.

Nail Psoriasis

– Affects approximately half of individuals with psoriasis.
– Can lead to tiny dents, discoloration, abnormal growth, and loose nails.
– Severe cases may result in nail crumbling.

 Guttate Psoriasis

– Causes small, drop-shaped sores (less than 1cm) on the chest, arms, legs, and scalp.
– Often disappears after a few weeks, but some may develop plaque psoriasis.
– Linked to streptococcal throat infections; more common in children and teenagers.

Inverse (Flexural) Psoriasis

– Affects folds or creases in the skin, like armpits, groin, buttocks, and under the breasts.
– Results in large, smooth patches in these areas.
– Aggravated by friction and sweating, particularly uncomfortable in hot weather.


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