

What Are the Complications of Impetigo?

Overview Complication Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Complications from impetigo are rare but can include: Cellulitis: A potentially serious infection that affects the tissues beneath the skin, which can spread to the lymph nodes and bloodstream. Kidney Problems: Post-streptococcal …

How is Impetigo Treated?

Overview Treatment Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Impetigo is treated with antibiotics, which can be topical (applied directly to the skin) or oral (taken by mouth) depending on the severity and extent of the infection. Topical Antibiotics: Mupirocin (Bactroban®) …

How is Impetigo Diagnosed?

Overview Diagnosis Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Diagnosis is usually based on the appearance of the sores. A healthcare provider may examine the affected skin and might take a sample of the liquid from a sore to test in …

What Are the Symptoms of Impetigo?

Overview Symptoms Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Symptoms typically develop within three days of infection. The main symptoms include: Reddish sores or blisters: Often around the nose and mouth, which quickly burst and form honey-colored crusts. Itchy skin: The …

What Causes Impetigo?

Overview Causes Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Impetigo is caused by bacteria, most commonly Staphylococcus aureus (staph) and Group A Streptococcus (strep). These bacteria can enter the body through a cut, scrape, or insect bite, leading to infection. However, …

Symptoms of Atopic dermatitis

SymptomsAtopic dermatitis Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication The primary symptom of atopic dermatitis is intense itching, which can lead to scratching and further skin damage. Other common symptoms include: Dry, Cracked Skin: The skin often appears dry and flaky. …

Diagnosis of Atopic dermatitis

DiagnosisAtopic dermatitis Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Diagnosing atopic dermatitis primarily involves a clinical examination and a thorough patient history. Healthcare providers look for specific signs and ask about: Itching: Whether the rash is itchy and where it appears. …

Treatment of Atopic dermatitis

TreatmentAtopic dermatitis Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Treating atopic dermatitis involves a combination of self-care measures, topical treatments, and sometimes systemic medications. Key treatment strategies include: Self-Care Techniques Moisturizing: Regular use of emollients helps restore the skin barrier and …

Complication of Atopic dermatitis

ComplicationAtopic dermatitis Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Complication Complications of atopic dermatitis can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life and include: Skin Infections: Repeated scratching can break the skin, leading to infections from bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, and …


Important points from this text include: 1. Lupus is a chronic condition that causes joint pain, skin rashes, and fatigue. 2. Early treatment can help improve symptoms, although there is no cure for lupus. 3. The main symptoms of lupus …
Non- surgical cosmetic proceduresCosmetic procedures

Non- surgical cosmetic procedures

Tattoo removal Tattoo removal comes with challenges, like potential discomfort, a lengthy process (10+ sessions), and often, lingering ink. Some colors may resist fading. Avoid removal if pregnant or tanned due to risks. For safety, choose a qualified, experienced practitioner …