

Symptoms of Granuloma Annulare

Symptoms Granuloma Annulare Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment The clinical manifestations of granuloma annulare can vary. The most common form, localized granuloma annulare, presents with circular or semicircular rashes that typically appear on extremities such as hands, feet, wrists, and …

Causes of Granuloma Annulare

CausesGranuloma Annulare Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment The exact etiology of granuloma annulare remains unclear; however, it is often considered a delayed hypersensitivity reaction involving components of the dermis. Various triggers have been identified, ranging from skin infections and minor …

Granuloma Annulare

OverviewGranuloma Annulare Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Granuloma annulare (GA) is a chronic dermatological condition characterized by the formation of ring-shaped, smooth, discolored papules and plaques on the skin. Histologically, it is defined by the presence of necrobiotic granulomas. Despite …

Symptoms of Acne in children

Symptoms Acne in children Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Acne can appear anywhere on the body but is most common in areas with more sebaceous glands, such as the face, chest, upper back, shoulders, and neck. Symptoms can vary but …

Causes of Acne in children

Causes Acne in children Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment What Causes Acne? The precise cause of acne is not fully understood, but several factors are associated with its development: Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle …

Prevention of Facial Psoriasis

PreventionFacial psoriasis Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Prevention Managing triggers and maintaining a gentle skincare routine are crucial for minimizing outbreaks. Patients are advised to avoid known irritants, manage stress effectively, and use protective measures against skin injury. References 1. …

Treatment of Facial Psoriasis

TreatmentFacial psoriasis Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Prevention While there is no cure for facial psoriasis, effective management is possible. Treatment options include • Topical Therapies: Corticosteroid creams, vitamin D analogues, and other medicated creams help reduce inflammation and control …

Diagnosis of Scar

Diagnosis Scar Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment How Are Scars Diagnosed? Scars are often diagnosed based on their appearance and the patient’s medical history. A healthcare provider may perform a physical examination to evaluate the scar’s size, texture, and color. …

Treatment of Scar

Treatment Scar Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Can Scars Be Treated? While scars cannot be completely removed, various treatments can minimize their appearance and improve symptoms. The treatment plan depends on the type, size, and location of the scar, as …

Symptoms of Scar

Symptoms Scar Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Signs and Symptoms of Scars Scars can manifest with different symptoms depending on their type and location: Appearance: Scars may appear as flat, raised, sunken, or discolored areas on the skin. Texture: They …

Causes of Scar

Causes Scar Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment What Causes Scars? Scars are part of the body’s natural healing process. When the skin is injured, the body produces collagen fibers to repair the damage and close the wound. This new tissue …


Overview Scar Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment What are Scars? Scars form as part of the natural healing process after the skin has been cut or damaged. The skin repairs itself by growing new tissue to close the wound and …